Quickly query Terraform data sources

Quickly query Terraform data sources

Do you sometimes wonder if there is an easier way to select an instance of a Terraform data source? Just execute these lines here inside the folder of your Terraform project:

echo enter the data source name exactly how it is called in the provider
read datasourcename


cat <<EOF > $tmpfile
data "$datasourcename" "query" {}

output "query" {
  value = data.$datasourcename.query

# run plan command and format output
terraform plan | sed 's/\x1B\[[0-9;]\{1,\}[A-Za-z]//g' | awk '/Changes to Outputs:/ { found=1 } found' | sed -e :a -e '$d;N;2,8ba' -e 'P;D' > $outfile

rm $tmpfile

echo Output saved at $outfile

If you have the hetznercloud/hcloud provider installed, you could enter hcloud_datacenters when prompted from the read command for example (from here). The output looks like this in that case (folded for brevity):

Then you can use the nbg1-dc3 data center name in other Terraform resources for example without having to specify the data source in your normal .tf files. If you need a dynamic approach for your use case, you would still need that of course. Feel free to add this to your .zshrc or .profile for quick repeated usage!

Kudos to meustrus for the color removal regex and qstebom for removing the last x lines.

Do you have a simpler way to get the data source information from the Terraform provider? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

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